Welcome! Witamy

Welcome to the Church of Ss. Cyril and Methodius located in the historic Charter Oak neighborhood of Hartford, Connecticut. The parish has been the cornerstone of Greater Hartford’s Polish diaspora – Polonia –  since 1902. It has served the religious and corporal needs of the community through wars, economic depressions, floods, and suburban flight.  As the parish looks forward into the coming decades, it aims to better serve those here in the Greater Hartford area, and those who though not physically here maintain a special tie to Hartford’s Polonia.

Recent Posts

  • Dożynki Photos

    On Sunday, September 15, 2024, the Parish celebrated its annual Dozynki Mass and celebration. The ceremonial offertory gift of the harvest bread (generously donated by Mr. Krajewski of Unicorn Polish […]

  • Thank you to those who helped at Dozynki

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in the preparation and organization of our Dozynki.

  • Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy pomagali podczas Dożynek

    Serdecznie dziękuję wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do sukcesu naszych Dożynek. Wasze zaangażowanie i wsparcie sprawiły, że to wydarzenie było wyjątkowe.

  • Dożynki

    Dear Parishoners, Kochani Parafianie, We invite you to join us for our annual Dozynki celebration, which will coincide with Archbishop Christopher Coyne’s visit to our parish on Sunday, September 15, […]


    Wspólnota “Pójdź za Mną” serdecznie zaprasza na wznowienie comiesięcznych spotkań z Pismem Świętym. Kiedy: Trzeci piątek każdego miesiąca, począwszy od 20 września.Gdzie: Dolna sala kościoła.Godzina: 19:00 (7:00 wieczorem).Prowadzący: Ks. Adam. […]

  • Dożynki

    On Sunday, September 15, 2024, our parish will host the Annual Dozynki combined with Archbishop Christopher Coyne’s visit at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Following the Mass, we will have a […]

  • Nauka religii szuka wolontariuszy

    Program nauki religii (CCD) przy parafii św. Cyryla i Metodego w Hartford szuka dwóch wolontariuszy w wieku 18+ lat. Kiedy: Soboty, 8:45-10:00 Gdzie: Dawny budynek szkoły św. Cyryla i Metodego, […]

  • CCD Program Volunteers Needed!

    The SS. Cyril and Methodius Church CCD Program is looking for two volunteers, age 18 or older, to teach CCD this year. CCD takes place from 8:45 to 10:00 AM […]

  • Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from?

    Question:Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from?Answer:If you were born well before the year 2000, you know the feast of Divine Mercy has not always beencelebrated in the […]

  • Msza Święta Rezurekcyjnej 2024

    Resurrection (Easter Morning) Mass, 2024. Celebrated by Rev Andrzej Pogorzelski, former vicar of the parish and retired priest in the Diocese of Lomza, Poland.